Here are the few projects that are in the works:
Here are some striped handwarmers. These two yarns were left over from other projects and they were sitting next to each other in my stash. I noticed that they looked very nice together, but didn't have enough of either to make anything bigger than a cute little pair of handwarmers. They seem to be coming along quite nicely.
The 800-stitch scarf is showing some progress. It's hard to see when it's all bunched up on the needles, but it's not worth taking it off to stretch it out. It's more than halfway completed, but it's slow going with these straight needles. I should've bought a circular a long time ago, but now it doesn't seem worth the trouble.
This stripey sock is growing too. It's on size zero needles, so it's pretty slow going as well, but it's getting there.
Anyway, as the semester wraps up, I should have more and more time for knitting. Hooray!