Monday, July 23, 2007

...I have an excuse

Ok, so you may have noticed the lack of posts in the last few days or so. And the lack of new pictures for a while now. The problem is that the only project I'm allowing myself to work on at the moment is the afghan. And the pictures of its progress are not that interesting. When it's all done, then you will get as many pictures as your heart desires.

Also, my hands are absolutely killing me. No, not from knitting, from mountain biking. I went up to Winter Park (you know, the ski resort, only in the summer it's a mountain biking, etc park) and biked and biked and biked. It was amazing, but brutal on my hands. So no knitting for a few days while I recover.

But I'll be back to it soon enough.


SusanKnits said...

I can totally identify with the sore hands -- I've been fighting a sore shoulder that is caused by some combination of knitting and Taekwondo. I hate it when one hobby interferes with another!

I also saw that you're an engineer -- so am I. It is very cool to run into other knitting engineers!

hedoknitstic said...

haha, yeah well, that's what we get for having more than one hobby. also, knitofawesome is another knit-gineer...there's more of us than people would think :)

Kaydo said...

knit-gineers are awesome!

also carina... do you happen to have some black and or red scraps that I could steal from you? I would be forever grateful.

Waiting to see the afghan,

hedoknitstic said...

yeah, you can dig through my stash anytime. I have plenty of misc black and red.