Monday, February 12, 2007


And another one is off the needles!

The cabled bag is done!! And I'm so happy with how it turned out! Just in time too, because my the pockets on my old bag were totally wearing through.

I recommend this project for anybody, beginners and experienced alike. The big chunky cables would make for a good first cabling pattern, but even if you've been cabling for years, it feels good to have a project that doesn't require a chart or even your full attention.

The yarn I used is definitely more coarse than what is recommended, but in an effort to dissolve my stash, I used some recycled sweater yarn that I'd gotten about a year and a half ago. As you can probably see from the picture at the bottom of this post, the yarn is sort of frayed in some places, but I don't really mind. It doesn't compromise the structural integrity of the bag & I think it gives it a unique flair.

I just hope that it'll stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use....but I guess there's only one way to find that out. I'll keep you all posted on how it does.

Now all I need are some buttons for it...

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