Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day!!

At last! it's finally snowed more than a half inch! And to celebrate, let's all knit!

Also, it's Valentine's Day...a very cliche anniversary day. Unfortunately, I too have an anniversary today. But it's not to celebrate a relationship or anything as dramatic as that. Actually, I broke my arm 13 years ago today, so happy break-eversary to me! ...or something.

Anyway, back to the knitting stuff--
After discarding the idea of using the Asherton scarf for the knitaround, I've decided to knit it myself & have finally started making it:

The pattern is really cool. It sort of looks like an optical illusion of 3-D cubes. can you see? Maybe it'll be more apparent when I complete more of the pattern. I think it might be the coolest thing I've ever made with just knits and purls.

Yesterday, we had our weekly knitting gathering here at the castle. Our new knitters returned to showcase their amazing progress. One had knit an entire legwarmer & the other had about 20 miles of scarf done. Awesome! Anyway, I also managed to slim down my yarn stash by giving away all of my RedHeart and such acryllic yarn. Ya know, the stuff that's sold by the pound. So, that's a load off my shoulders and I think its new owners will treat it well and turn it into awesome projects.

The acyrllic that I didn't give away is going into the scarf for the knitaround. It's actually surprisingly not rough when doubled and knit on 11s. My part is almost done, so I'm about to say goodbye to RedHeart forever.

And continuing in the vein of slimming the yarn stash, I have started this lovely scarf:

I am calling it the 800 stitch scarf. There is really nothing spectacular about it. It's knit lengthwise on size 5 US needles, so I cast on about 800 sts. I'm knitting it with this awesome tweed yarn, called Tatamy Tweed, of which I have random skeins and partial skeins leftover from the past year or so. It's hard to squish all these needles onto straight needles, but as of now, my long circular 5s are on loan to a friend. I'll have to see if I can get those back sometime.

Anyway, happy knitting to all you knitters! And Happy Valentine's Day!

Edit: I also have an anniversary with Bb, as we got married in Prague two years ago. Hooray for our anniversary party this weekend - theme: beerfest!

ok Bb, you can stop being offended now & continue knitting with balls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am offended beyond belief. To all you faithful fans of the hedonknitist, she has forgotten an important anniversary from two years ago in Prague.

Also, expect more from me in the future. She taught me how to knit... with balls.
