Sunday, February 4, 2007

Balloon Scarf

Well, there hasn't been much progress on any of my other projects because I decided to start this labor-intensive scarf. It's called Interlocking Balloons from the book Scarf Style.

So far the pattern has required a lot of attention, so no knitting this scarf during class. It's pretty slow going, but I've completed one repetition & the pattern calls for 9 or 10, so I guess it's not that bad.

In other scarf news, my roommates and I are planning a scarf knitaround, which is very exciting. I've picked out a pattern (Asherton, by smariek) and have chosen to make it in a rich red color. The best part is, is that there will be four of us, each knitting a fourth of each no one will get bored of their pattern.

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